Healthy Longevity Research Center Call for Excellence Scholarships 2022-2023

Deadline: May 15, 2022

07 April 2022
Healthy Longevity Research Center Call for Excellence Scholarships 2022-2023

The Tel Aviv University Healthy Longevity Research Center brings together excellence in research to generate ideas and translate them into real-life tools for promoting health and improving quality of life among the elderly – physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally, nutritionally, culturally and more.


We are pleased to announce a call for MSc, MA, MSW, MPH, PhD, and Post-doctoral Scholarships – 25%. The Healthy Longevity Research Center will provide scholarships to outstanding students and post-docs undertaking research in fields related to aging.


The Center’s goals are to serve as a catalyst for translating research and development into novel devices, technologies, treatments and expertise that promote dignity, health and quality-of-life among the elderly; to disseminate findings and recommendations among scientists, health professionals, policymakers, and the general public in Israel and around the world; to foster a new generation of researchers in gerontology and other aging-related fields; and to initiate inter-disciplinary discussion groups on topics such as memory, loss, the emotional world of aging, age and law, intergenerational synergies, meaning of life in old age, ageism, caregiving and caregivers.



• The student or post-doc must dedicate maximum time and energy to their studies and research of aging.
• Grades from previous degree - minimum GPA of 85 and a thesis grade of 90 or above
• Recommendation by thesis advisor required
• Full time Tel Aviv University student or post-doc


Application process

• Students/post-docs who meet the criteria above are requested to download application form, fill out and submit
through the website.
• All documents (except letter of recommendation) should be submitted in one PDF through the website
• Letter of recommendation should be sent directly to by Advisor (letters submitted
by student/post-doc not accepted)
• For any questions, please contact


Rules and regulations

• Scholarships are awarded for 2022-2023 academic year.
• The student/post-doc will be named a Healthy Longevity Research Center Fellow on all publications, with acknowledgement
to the “Healthy Longevity Research Center” in any advertisements, publications, publicity notice or public comment
(where permitted) resulting from or related to the project.
• The funded student/post-doc will attend Healthy Longevity Research Center lectures and conferences and will present
research when requested.
• Recipients must provide a report at the end of each semester.
• Healthy Longevity Research Center $10,000 grant awardees are not eligible for scholarships for their students. If both
awarded, one will need to be declined.
• The conditions for receiving scholarships are set annually in accordance with the policies of the Scholarship Committee
and Tel Aviv University and do not constitute a precedent or basis for future scholarships.


Deadline: May 15, 2022


The budget will be maintained by the Research Authority at TAU. All grants that pass eligibility rules will be reviewed
competitively by an ad hoc review committee.


This information is available in PDF here


Download application form 


Submit application form

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