Congratulations to the winners of the Clalit ROMA II program

Opioid trends and sustained use among children and adolescents in Israel: a retrospective study

06 August 2023
Congratulations to the winners of the Clalit ROMA II program

Congratulations to the winners of the Clalit ROMA II program:


Dr. Aviv Tuttnauer, Dr. Dor AtiasOrly Reznik, Prof. Noam Shomron and Dr. Uri Obolski


For their research on:


Opioid trends and sustained use among children and adolescents in Israel: a retrospective study


The research was submitted as part of the Clalit Health Services ROMA program, which promotes data research with the support of experts in epidemiology, statistics, and machine learning from Clalit Health Services and academia.


Their research is the first to describe trends in opioid use over the years and risk factors for sustained use among children and adolescents. The results of the research can help clinicians identify children and adolescents who use opioids and are at increased risk for long-term use, which has many potential implications, and therefore take extra caution and closer monitoring of these users.


We thank all the teams that participated in the program and presented impressive research with excellent products and wide application potential, and we welcome the cooperation that has been created between clinicians and academics, which makes it possible to implement unique research of this type.


Registration for ROMA III will soon be available! Make sure to follow!


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