Healthy Longevity Research Center Scholarships 2022

Announcing the Scholarship winners

04 April 2022
Healthy Longevity Research Center Scholarship winners 2022

The Tel Aviv University Healthy Longevity Research Center brings together excellence in research to generate ideas and translate them into real-life tools for promoting health and improving quality of life among the elderly – physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally, nutritionally, culturally and more.


The following students have been awarded a scholarship for 2nd semester of the academic year, 2021-2022


Hanna Rapuano, PhD student
Mitochondrial copy number variations across scleractinian coral age groups
Faculty of Life Sciences


Shon Levkovich, PhD student
The ‘Metabolostasis’ network and its decline in aging
Faculty of Life Sciences


Nimrod Rappoport, PhD student
Hematopoietic stem cell gene expression during aging at single cell resolution
Faculty of Exact Sciences


Ruth Maman, PhD student
Characterizing the maternal role of healthy older women and assessing its’
contribution to health and wellbeing of women with chronic stroke
Faculty of Medicine


Zuha Miaary, PhD student
Reintegration in society and at work one year after ischemic stroke:
associations with the patient’s health status, sense of well-being, personal
resilience and expectations
Faculty of Medicine


Shvartz Sapir, MSc student
The differences between haptic and visual feedback on spatiotemporal
parameters of learning in adults and older adults
Faculty of Medicine


Meytal Wilf, Postdoctoral trainee
Mobile cognition: novel virtual reality-based paradigm to study cognitive–
motor interactions in the context of fall risk in aging
Sagol School of Neuroscience


Adaya Liberman, PhD student
Worlding with dementia: an empiric- philospeculative research
Faculty of Social Sciences


Meirav Hauben, PhD student
The role of paid work in the lives of retired workers – A mixed methods
longitudinal study
Faculty of Humanities


Gai Farchi, PhD student
Amnesic writing: The dementic mother in the works of Annie Ernaux and
Michal Ben-Naftali
Faculty of Humanities


Yaara Edelsburg, MA student
The mother mystery: Secrecy strategies in auto\biographic texts of daughters
about their mothers
Faculty of Humanities


Shira Dushy-Barr, PhD student
The Aging Subject - A Psychoanalytic Perspective
Psychotherapy Program in collaboration with Faculty of Humanities


Omer Bender, PhD student
Profiling immunologic response to pathogens in elderly population with or
without Alzheimer’s disease
Faculty of Medicine


Melody Kasher, PhD student
Deciphering of the casual genetic relationships between rheumatoid arthritis
and cardiovascular comorbidities
Faculty of Medicine


Hasan Ishtayeh, PhD student
Investigating the role of autophagy in mutant PABPN1 revealed disruptions in
cellular processes in Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD)
Faculty of Medicine


Elisabeth Kleeblatt, PhD student
Inducible senescence in cultured mast cells as a model for elucidating the
impact of aging on mast cell functions
Faculty of Medicine


Lucia Adriana Lifshits, PhD student
Harnessing protein engineering for the development of protein interaction
immune modulators
Faculty of Medicine


Sapir Golan, MSc student
The relationship between regional abdominal adiposity in midlife and
cognitive functioning, and neuropathology; among individuals at high
Alzheimer’s disease risk
Faculty of Medicine


Mazal Cohen, PhD student
An LHX2-OTX2 complex regulate AMD risk SNP’s region
Faculty of Medicine


Rotem Iris Orad, PhD student
Brain Imaging changes in dementia with Lewy bodies: an advanced MRI study
Faculty of Medicine





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