Dr. Uri Ben-David wins Krill Prize

The Krill Prize is among the most prestigious prizes that a young researcher can win

07 April 2022
Dr. Uri Ben-David wins Krill Prize

Dr. Uri Ben-David, Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, School of Medicine, was awarded the Krill Prize for the year 2022. The Prize is given on behalf of the Wolf Foundation for Excellence in Scientific Research and is awarded annually to ten leading Israeli faculty members.


Dr. Uri Ben-David is an expert in the field of cancer genetics. The research in his group combines experimental and computational approaches and focuses on the chromosomal changes that take place during the evolution of cancer.


The purpose of his research is to study the ways in which the chromosomal changes evolve and their influence on the cancer cells, aiming to develop strategies to harness this phenomenon for the selective killing of cancer cells. Recently, his group published several research papers in high-impact scientific journals including Nature, Nature Genetics, and Cancer Research.


The Krill Prize is among the most prestigious prizes that a young researcher can win. Dr. Ben-David said: "I am grateful to the Krill Prize committee for selecting me, and looking forward to many years of scientific and medical groundbreaking research”.


Dr. Ben-David has already been awarded many grants, fellowships and prizes. Among them are the Clore Fellowship, the Dan David Prize, the American Association of Cell Biology Prize for Excellent Doctoral Thesis, as well as EMBO, Rotschild and HFSP postdoc fellowships.


As a principal investigator he was awarded the ERC Starting Grant, the Azrieli Fellowship for junior faculty, and many other competitive grants.


He received the 'Next Generation Star' Award of the American Association of Cancer Research for the year 2020, the 'Young Investigator Award' of Cells Magazine for 2021, and recently was appointed as an EMBO Young Investigator.

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