Announcing awardees of Research Proposals from The Dubrovsky Family Research Fund for Solid Cancers

The Cancer Biology Research Center, Tel Aviv University

09 May 2024

CBRC issued a call for research proposals to support innovative projects in solid cancer research.


Several external reviewers reviewed each proposal, and the grant committee made the final decisions. A total of 2,250,000 NIS will be awarded with up to 600,000 NIS per grant.


We are excited to announce the three awardees of the research grants, each for 600,000 NIS for 2 years, followed by three awardees of the seed grants, each for 150,000 NIS for 1 year:


Lior Mayo, George s. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences:

"Rewiring the Myeloid Landscape in Glioblastoma "


Neta Erez, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, and Itai Benhar George s. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences:

"Inhibition of brain metastases by brain-penetrating antibodies that inhibit LNC2"


Merav Cohen, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, and Amir Sonneblick, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center:

" Analyzing the molecular signature of immune-circulating tumor cell clusters to predict TNBC severity"


Dan Peer, George s. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences:

"Therapeutic Genome Editing Using Lipid Nanoparticles for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Therapy"


Ido Wolf, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, TAU, and Tami Rubinek, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center:

 " Dysregulation of the urea cycle: a key player driving breast cancer to form liver metastases"


Yaron Carmi, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, and Gal Cafri, Sheba Medical Center, TAU:

 " Engineering universal CAR monocytes for immunotherapy of solid tumors "


Congratulations to the awardees!


Many thanks to the Dubrovsky Family for their generosity and dedication to cancer research. We acknowledge the time investment and meticulous approach to all applicants and reviewers. We appreciate your participation and hope these grants will lay the foundation for a better understanding of cancer progression and the development of new therapies for solid cancers.


Cancer Biology Research Center (CBRC) Grant Committee:


Chair- Prof. Ronit Satchi-Fainaro (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, TAU)


Prof. Yoram Reiter (Technion), Prof. Michal Lotem (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Prof. Yuval Ebenstein (Faculty of Exact Sciences, TAU), Prof. Osnat Ashur-Fabian (Meir Medical Center), Prof. Ariel Munitz (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, TAU), and Prof. Eitan Friedman (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, TAU).



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